Video-Project on "Youth Culture"
A filmproject by Beatrice Adam, Benjamin Bellinger, Derya Cetinkaya, Mikael Hirvonen und Stephanie Weitz
Hello and welcome to the elaboration of our Video-Project on the topic "Youth-Culture 2014"!
The project was constructed in the context of the university seminar "Extra-Curricular Activities in the English-foreign-language-Classroom" and was developed only of students of the "Goethe-University" in "Frankfurt am Main" in cooperation with an 11th grade of a Gymnasium in "Offenbach".
First of all, we would like to thank our university lecturer who supported us in any possible way throughout the project. Without his instructions and sympathy the project would not have come to such a great success.
Furthermore, we are very thankful for the great teamwork with the class teacher and the amazing participation of the students themselves for the project. Being in the role of university students, not knowing the class and its characteristics before, the teacher was an indispensable relief. Additionally, he advised us concerning organizational and interpersonal considerations when needed.
The main focus of the project lies on the combination of learning achievements and project based work outside of the standard classroom and curriculum. We wanted to construct a project that holds the chance for the students to include their personal motivation into the learning process. The project was student-centered and followed the aims of developing and advancing the competencies language spoken in English lessons combined with a fun-full and interest-oriented activity.
This web page is constructed to inspire own project in the educational environment. The guide will provide you with all the important information to allow you to retrace and reproduce the project.
° We will start with a video to introduce ourselves.
° Furthermore, the examination of the students’ feedback is visualized.
° The conclusive remark reviews the total project and forms the closure of our video assessment.
The Project Initiators
In this part of the elaboration we would like to introduce ourselves. The project was designed by five university students: Beatrice Adam, Benjamin Bellinger, Derya Cetinkaya, Mikael Hirvonen and Stephanie Weitz.
Unfortunately, not all group members are represented in the video by reason of illness. You will get to know the rest of the university students through the following assessing videos.
Project Information
The following part of our assessment is performed by Mikeal. He will start by stating our first thoughts concerning the guidelines of the “Extra-Curricular-Activity”.
Mikael then explains what we agreed on as the overall concept for our project, how we teamed up with the school class in first place and what difficulties we had during the planning process.
In addition, he will include a preview on the authorizations and agreements the project.
Educational Considerations
The essential and educational considerations the project relies on are presented you by Beatrice in the following videos.
She will combine the seminar requirements with the didactical objectives we want to achieve and show with which methodical implementation this can be realized.
The evaluation is constructed in a way to help retrace our separate phases and use our advice to reproduce a similar project when interested.
Didactical Considerations
The following video on the assessment of the didactical considerations will show how the learning process can be most beneficial arranged to foster the language competencies in the English lessons. We will show the cultural and social selection we chose to cover within our project and explain how we embedded them in the overall picture.
Methodical Considerations
The video on the methodical considerations will center the preparatory work of the project. Such a project can require a big amount of effort and time investment. In the following video, we will speak about the methodical preparation, why it is of such importance and how it was implemented. Additionally, we will show which steps are necessary to create a trustful atmosphere to facilitate an authentic filming of youth culture.
Project Kick-Off
In the next video Derya will speak about the steps we undertook to ensure a successful procedure. On the one hand, frequent visits in the class were of high importance. They were used to introduce ourselves, the project as well as the goals we were aiming at.
By visiting the class on a regular basis we could accompany the students in the working phases, giving us the opportunity to ensure a constant level of curiosity and motivation through the usage of interesting guiding questions. Furthermore we wanted to participate in the progress of the students, being present to answer open questions and provide the students a feedback on their preparatory work such as storyboards, formulation issues or developing the collective beginning & end.
Filming Day and Video Screening
This video speaks about the course of the project execution and the screening with the students in class. The final outcome of the filming day in the city of Frankfurt as well as comments on the filming in separate groups can be found further on.
In this part, Benjamin will address the start of the project day, before we split into groups and filmed separately. As well, he will mention how the collective scene was realized in advance.
The screening session forms the conclusion of the cooperation with the class, for what we wanted to let the students view their final video-product in a relaxed atmosphere and an unceremoniously situation for criticism and feedback.
Since we designed a student-centered project, the student’s critics can give the most beneficial advice for improvement.
Students Video and Commentary
The section provides the chance to watch the final outcome of the filming day in the city of Frankfurt. The video is aside from the editing and cutting procedure completely made by students and the result of their effort.
This is then followed by a reviewing comment of each supervisor on the individual work with the different participating groups.
The background music in the video has been removed on the basis of copyright concerns.
Feedback Reflection
In the evaluating video, the student’s feedback towards the different fields of the project is visualized in tables. Through this video the different views of the students are listed and discussed. As well, the video covers the student’s advice on how the project realization could possibly be improved.
Since we designed a student-centered project, the student’s critics can give the most beneficial advice for improvement.
Conclusive Remark
In this part, Stephanie reviews and assesses the project in general and reflects on our educational goals we were initially aiming at. One focus lies on the factors that influence the project procedure and outcome, which plays an essential role for teachers / project executors. Furthermore, this video addresses problems that occurred during the course of the project as well as advises for future executors on how these problems could be prevented.
Beatrice Adam, Benjamin Bellinger, Derya Cetinkaya, Mikael Hirvonen und Stephanie Weitz, Video-Project "Youth Culture", in: USE: Universität Studieren / Studieren Erforschen, 27.01.2015, URL:
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