Andean Bear
Durchführung: Andean Bear
An der Station des Brillenbären (Andean Bear) soll es das Ziel sein, den SchülerInnen einen Überblick auf kommende Stationen und Arbeitsschritte zu geben.
Zuerst haben die SchülerInnen etwas Zeit sich mit der Situation vertraut zu machen und sich das Tier, mit dem sie sich demnächst befassen sollen, etwas besser kennen zu lernen. Nach dieser kleinen Phase der Akklimation, beginnt die Arbeitsphase. Die Kleingruppe hört durch den Reading Pen Amanda den Brillenbär zu ihnen sprechen.
Ein Langeplan des Frankfurter Zoos, bildet hier die Grundlage der Arbeitsmaterialien. Eine einlaminierte Folie mit Reading Pen Stickern zeigt den SchülerInnen an, wohin sie ihr Weg durch den Zoo führt und was sie an den kommenden Stationen zu erwarten haben.
Des Weiteren erfahren die SchülerInnen auch, an welchem Tag das Unglück des Frankfurter Zoos stattgefunden hat.
Um alle nötigen Informationen zu ordnen und nichts zu vergessen, haben die SchülerInnen ein Arbeitsblatt das im Anschluss an die erste Hörverstehen Aufgaben anknüpft. Während der Schreibphase haben die SchülerInnen immer wieder die Möglichkeit den Reading Pen erneut einzusetzen und den einzelnen Stickern wiederholt zuzuhören.
Diese Station wird durch den Sticker „What´s next“ beendet. Hier wird die Phase des selbstständigen Lernens beendet und die SchülerInnen wenden sich an ihren Teamleiter, der ihnen ihre nächste Station ankündigt.
Der durch den Reading Pen gesprochene Text:
- “Hello my little friends. My name is Amanda the Andean Bear.
I would like to welcome you to the Frankfurt Zoo. As you can see I have the best viewing point in the Zoo. Next to the main entrance - I know exactly what is going on.
Normally we have happy and excited children who visit us here with their parents or grandparents or school classes like you. We even have adults and couples who like to enjoy the variety of the animals.” - “But you are special to me, because you have to help me and all the others in the zoo. Something bad happened – something really bad.”
- “I remember it like it was yesterday. The morning of 21 August 2014 was very busy. Usually I like to sleep longer in the mornings, but it was not possible that day.”
- “It was noisy as a lot of different people were walking in and out. Different types of people that I normally do not see here. Police, the Zoo manager, the doctor and all the different Zoo-keepers. Normally, you do not see them all together.”
- “I was alarmed!”
- “I was talking to my mates and we tried to understand what was being said, but it was hard to understand all of it. There were too many different voices. I guess your teacher must know this situation when all of you are talking at the same time”.
- “But listen carefully. My friends and I will give you a few hints. Follow my instructions and I will lead you through this adventure.”
- “Click with your reading pen on one of the buttons on the map and I will tell you more.
- “Oh yes, my old friend the bearded vulture. He will be very important on your adventure as well. Listen carefully because this old guy knows a lot. He is very wise and can teach you things which will be important to you and future generations(?).”
- “And if he asks for help, please help as well as you can. Your group have to become a team to be successful.”
- “My dearest Nathalie, she is a cutey. You will like her.”
- “Nathalie is a Monkey in the Zoo, and something is quite special about her. She was not born here, she came here via a long journey. On the way she met another animal captured in the wild. They became best friends.”
- “At her place you should find out what she is upset about. And if you listen carefully enough you will get more details about our adventure.”
- “Oh I see - you are interested in the sea lions. Ok well let’s talk about them.”
- “Actually, our sea lions are not the cleverest animals in the zoo, but even they know that something went wrong here. They will tell you more about our mysterious story from last year.”
- “Include them into your route today.”
- “Pay attention to what they tell you and where they want you to go next.”
- “Oh yes, my old friend the bearded vulture. He will be very important on your adventure as well. Listen carefully because this old guy knows a lot. He is very wise and can teach you things which will be important to you and future generations(?).”
- “And if he asks for help, please help as well as you can. Your group have to become a team to be successful.”
- “My dearest Nathalie, she is a cutey. You will like her.”
- “Nathalie is a Monkey in the Zoo, and something is quite special about her. She was not born here, she came here via a long journey. On the way she met another animal captured in the wild. They became best friends.”
- “At her place you should find out what she is upset about. And if you listen carefully enough you will get more details about our adventure.”
- “Oh I see - you are interested in the sea lions. Ok well let’s talk about them.”
- “Actually, our sea lions are not the cleverest animals in the zoo, but even they know that something went wrong here. They will tell you more about our mysterious story from last year.”
- “Include them into your route today.”
- “Pay attention to what they tell you and where they want you to go next.”
- “Oh yes, my old friend the bearded vulture. He will be very important on your adventure as well. Listen carefully because this old guy knows a lot. He is very wise and can teach you things which will be important to you and future generations(?).”
- “And if he asks for help, please help as well as you can. Your group has to become a team to be successful.”
- “What´s next?”
- “Thank you for listening carefully. You went through all of the buttons and could answer all of the questions on your work sheet.”
- “Ask now your group leader where to go next”
- “Have fun, and enjoy your way. Please help to find out what happened.”
Die Durchführung im Überblick
Pia-Marie Hohmann, Jana Lehrian und Elena Mishchenko, Das Project Zoo: Combining Project-based learning to make aware of the right behaviour with zoo animals within extracurricular places, in: USE: Universität Studieren / Studieren Erforschen, 05.10.2015, URL:
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